Visit the monument

Discover the monument

A building over 600 years old carries many stories and secrets. Be amazed by the beauty of this magnificent national monument.

You can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while taking a seat on Zwolle's covered square: the Academiehuis. Be amazed by the 600-year-old vaults and enriched by a guided tour from one of our storytellers. This is also an excellent place to work or study or find a moment of rest.

Audio tour: discover the hidden treasures

Discover the hidden treasures of the Academiehuis. This is still a central place of meeting, reflection, art and culture. The enormous building shows the wealth and power of the city through the ages and can be read like a history book full of fascinating contradictions. The audio tour takes you in 30 minutes through the stories hidden behind an inconspicuous washbasin, the large choir screen and the enormous pulpit.

Ask for the audio tour of The Largest Museum of the Netherlands at the front desk at Academiehuis.

Michael's Game

For you as a young visitor, a special augmented reality game has been developed about the construction and history of the building. With an iPad you will search for the hidden secrets of the building and learn a lot about how the church was built and what special elements the building contains.

Audio tour: The stories behind the tombstones

There is a special story behind the graves of some remarkable people. Get carried away by the impressive stories in the audio tour. 

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is also available for young visitors. Ask for this at the front desk to walk the scavenger hunt!

Ask a volunteer

Our volunteers will be happy to tell you more about the building and its history. Do you have a question? Then feel free to step up to one of our volunteers and get informed!